Thinking of this, he turned his head and asked if there was a mobile phone in the new name Xiangbaoli that he wanted her to pick up and carry around for 24 hours.

As a result, the girl took out a flip phone with an antenna from her pocket and carefully asked, "Is this ok?" “? !” Technology has evolved secretly without telling him! Baishi microstrip shocked and looked at her eyes. Her mobile phone was slightly embarrassed and cleared her throat. She ordered a head in her […]

Zhao cuo felt his face suddenly became complicated after his physical condition. Although his body is still paralyzed and sore in most areas, his vitality has recovered to a large extent.

"Uh-huh …" A charming whisper suddenly sounded behind Zhao Cuo, and a tender and charming body was held up before he could recover. The body temperature also made him more familiar. "Do you want to die when you wake up the palace early in the morning?" Empress Dowager’s voice is as soft and tender as […]

I’ve been devastated since I hated the palace master Yuan Shen, and now I’m very hard to recover, and I’ve got such a sudden piercing scream, and the audience’s back is cold with anger

Qing Wei was indifferent to this, and felt a faint light spot emerging from the truth, so I couldn’t help smiling with satisfaction. "Don’t worry, being original will come to you." When I left the hate palace, I stopped for a moment, and then I smiled and released the road flyover crane. Mrs. Albizia, Qingwei, […]

Xiao Canghai agreed, "I think it’s very good for the water champion to consider. At present, every step should be careful when maintaining the strength key."

Aoki said, "I don’t mind if Sister Shui goes. Is it convenient for her alone?" Shuimengji said, "I’ve thought about this. One more person will add more burden and more danger. I went to Tianshi Valley this time to ask for information, not to destroy the enemy. I am enough alone." Seeing the water dream […]

The bombers retreated, and Lin’s giant arms, Bessemer, flew out of it to face the overwhelming swarm of insects. It aimed its muzzle at this group of creatures called plague … and locusts also took Bessemer as the target, and they rushed towards it crazily.

Lin found that there are many kinds of art that don’t have to explode. The cortex of Bessemer is covered with a thick liquid, and at the same time, it stretches out a shelling tentacle and fires a bomb at itself … At this moment, the flame suddenly spread over Bessemer, and the whole night […]