Just like this time, it was a very dangerous thing to send army ants to the desert, but Xu Ren didn’t seem to be difficult to do it, and he finally made it.

"This is called seeking for wealth and danger. Now with this desert army ant colony, it is more convenient for us to move in the desert." Xu Ren appeased a desert marching ant, the queen and the queen, and left some spirit animals, Dan, and then turned away. In saying that the nest here is […]

"I can’t promise, but I’ll try."

Reply Sakatoku Mai was a little surprised. "It’s not like your place, but it’s all a little hairy. Isn’t it easy for us to get out of the imperial palace?" "It’s not always that the first-year students can participate in the day test rules, and the winners can also get the final reward." She retorted […]

This time, Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, looked dignified, and the world of fixing the truth was full of accidents and never lacked magical things.

Besides, when what they encounter may be a relatively common phenomenon, it is not a magical thing. Before he came to pranayama, he had to separate his mind from the enemy’s calculations. What Xu Ren needed to guard against was not only the enemy’s calculations, but also the monks embedded in the northern and western […]


"Let" Guanghe looked at the group. Although this person’s strength is much worse than his own, his rich experience has not made him take it lightly. Behind him is Su An. Outside, there has never been a group of horses stopped, and they will enter the warfare field Guanghe. You Qungen didn’t reply, glanced coldly […]

Jia quickly asked

She is sad for a while at most if her brother has committed a crime, but if even Jia’s family property is affected, she will have no face to meet her ancestors Heaven said, "If the Jia family business depends on its position, how can it be decided that the Jia family still owes Royal […]

It was polished by the best secret magic ghost, and then it was given to the investigation bureaus of various departments after it was seen that there was no problem.

Construction, personnel, materials, etc. are left to the Bureau of Investigation. I believe the FBI can handle it. He also has more things to do. "Lebanon’s plan to establish a base city is only the first step, and whether the subsequent wave impact can be blocked is also the key." "And when the gray fog […]

"Hum, I killed the headstrong snake spirit and took the orb, and Xiaolian tried to take it. I had to jump off the cliff, so my wife’s life was fatal or I would have been shattered. Can I forget this revenge?" Grandmother gritted her teeth and stared at me with a pair of yellow eyes and said

After listening to some words, I told Grandmother that the pearl was nobody, but Lillian really needed it! Without this orb, she will always be as cold as a walking corpse. Just when I think this wife is not so hateful, Grandma Sun said something that made me rekindle my anger against her. Grandmother Sun […]