Zhao cuo felt his face suddenly became complicated after his physical condition. Although his body is still paralyzed and sore in most areas, his vitality has recovered to a large extent.

"Uh-huh …" A charming whisper suddenly sounded behind Zhao Cuo, and a tender and charming body was held up before he could recover. The body temperature also made him more familiar. "Do you want to die when you wake up the palace early in the morning?" Empress Dowager’s voice is as soft and tender as […]

Greatly weakened the strength of the Eldar.

More importantly, even Xu tui can achieve such a great victory with those three melons and two dates, which brings a feeling that the Eldar forward base is going downhill. After Cai Shaochu went back, he made a brief statement, and the plan to raid the Eldar Forward Base passed quickly. The first organization of […]

This time, Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, looked dignified, and the world of fixing the truth was full of accidents and never lacked magical things.

Besides, when what they encounter may be a relatively common phenomenon, it is not a magical thing. Before he came to pranayama, he had to separate his mind from the enemy’s calculations. What Xu Ren needed to guard against was not only the enemy’s calculations, but also the monks embedded in the northern and western […]


"Let" Guanghe looked at the group. Although this person’s strength is much worse than his own, his rich experience has not made him take it lightly. Behind him is Su An. Outside, there has never been a group of horses stopped, and they will enter the warfare field Guanghe. You Qungen didn’t reply, glanced coldly […]

If children can laugh wildly.

A sound in Loki’s mind can’t stop echoing, so that he has gradually cooled down and the wildness has surged again. Loki’s eyes sparkled with hatred- "Sol Odin and Zhang Lan! You are all waiting for me. You will regret what you once had! " ———————————— Far earth Loki was aware of it after he […]

Jia quickly asked

She is sad for a while at most if her brother has committed a crime, but if even Jia’s family property is affected, she will have no face to meet her ancestors Heaven said, "If the Jia family business depends on its position, how can it be decided that the Jia family still owes Royal […]

It was polished by the best secret magic ghost, and then it was given to the investigation bureaus of various departments after it was seen that there was no problem.

Construction, personnel, materials, etc. are left to the Bureau of Investigation. I believe the FBI can handle it. He also has more things to do. "Lebanon’s plan to establish a base city is only the first step, and whether the subsequent wave impact can be blocked is also the key." "And when the gray fog […]

I’ve been devastated since I hated the palace master Yuan Shen, and now I’m very hard to recover, and I’ve got such a sudden piercing scream, and the audience’s back is cold with anger

Qing Wei was indifferent to this, and felt a faint light spot emerging from the truth, so I couldn’t help smiling with satisfaction. "Don’t worry, being original will come to you." When I left the hate palace, I stopped for a moment, and then I smiled and released the road flyover crane. Mrs. Albizia, Qingwei, […]